Sunday, September 18, 2011

Send a message

Had to get a message to somebody the other day so I sent a text. Took me about three minutes to accomplish this task. 
Thought about how long it would have taken only twenty years ago. Probably have to drive to find a payphone, load in enough dimes to make the call, and then hope they were home. If not, then I would have to try again later, as there would be no machine to receive the message.
Imagine if you needed to send a message a few hundred years ago. Unless they were close enough to receive a smoke signal, it could take weeks before they got the message and even longer before you got a reply. If you ask them where a good restaurant was, you would die of starvation before they got back to you.
We complain about our phone being “out of range” or “dropping a call” like it is a great inconvenience. Remembering how it would have been a few years ago, makes us appreciate today. 
And the worst part about phones a few years ago was the fact you couldn’t play Angry Birds. Now that was a real problem. Just Say’n.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

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A review of J T Twerell's Catch and Release by Featheredquill Book Reviews

Featheredquill Book Reviews

P.O. Box 304 Goshen, MA 01032 Fax: 413-268-0381

Readers’ hearts will be beating hard as they join in this adventure where people come back from the dead, wear so many facades you’re not quite sure who’s on the good or bad side of the law, while experiencing the growing attraction between the lady ‘cop’ who could be lying through her teeth and the normally bored psychologist who stepped into the adventure of a lifetime.

The author, a practicing psychotherapist, certainly knows how to light a fire at the beginning of a tale and guide the reader through all types of personalities and red herrings that will make them very disappointed when the story has to come to an end.

Quill Says: This is one psychologist who has met his match when it comes to a truly astonishing female!

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