Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Smelly people

Looking around the house the other day and I realized we had about a dozen of those electric air fresheners plugged in the wall, a few scented candles, and some wick things with some kind of liquid.
 They all smell nice, but are we really that stinky a family that these things are necessary? 
Went to the store to check on what these gadgets cost and found the plugin things are around $3.00 each. A rough calculation came up with an annual cost of @ $400 just for the plugins, not counting all the other candles and stuff.
 Never thought we had a problem in our house, but if were spending that kind of money to cover up bad smells, maybe we just need to shower more! Just Say’n

While we go shower, why not take a second to join our blog family. We will smell better soon and you’ll be glad you did. Just Say’n

Monday, October 15, 2012


The older I get the more I notice how uptight people are. I am aware that New York is more uptight than a lot of other places, but in general, it seems that as a people we are all a bit stressed out. Personally, I think a lot of that comes from making too many demands about things over which we have no control. 

I mean, why get all bent out of shape if it rains? Can't change the weather. So what if someone doesn't agree with you? It is just an opinion. So what if gas goes to $6.00 a gallon? Will being angry make it cheaper? What is, is!

Let's go back and be a small baby. This picture made me laugh and also showed me the best way to appreciate life. Think I will join him in his nap. Just Say'n.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Lost in the supermarket

For the last couple years I’ve often done the food shopping for the family. It isn’t a chore as I memorized most of the isles and can move smoothly through my list of items. 
That is until the last month. For some reason, known only to God (and I’m not sure He even understands) the store decided to change things around. Bread is now at the end of the store not the beginning. Soup is where bread used to be. Frozen foods are now all locked up in cages. I have yet to find coffee. 

I mean, isn’t life complicated enough! Do we have to rearrange the isles of the food store?

Today a woman was so lost and so angry she literally ran into my cart and drove it back several feet as she screamed, “Don’t Block the isles, don’t block the isle.” I wasn’t blocking the isle, I was just lost and so was she. The good thing is, when I saw how angry she was, made me become a little more rational. Just Say'n

A review of J T Twerell's Catch and Release by Featheredquill Book Reviews

Featheredquill Book Reviews

P.O. Box 304 Goshen, MA 01032 Fax: 413-268-0381

Readers’ hearts will be beating hard as they join in this adventure where people come back from the dead, wear so many facades you’re not quite sure who’s on the good or bad side of the law, while experiencing the growing attraction between the lady ‘cop’ who could be lying through her teeth and the normally bored psychologist who stepped into the adventure of a lifetime.

The author, a practicing psychotherapist, certainly knows how to light a fire at the beginning of a tale and guide the reader through all types of personalities and red herrings that will make them very disappointed when the story has to come to an end.

Quill Says: This is one psychologist who has met his match when it comes to a truly astonishing female!

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