Thursday, June 30, 2011

Mississippi Dreamen

Was wondering today what would have happened if after high school, I had taken that job working on a Mississippi River barge. I came real close to doing it, but college won out. 
I still think that I may have  made my way to New Orleans, worked my way to Mexico, sailed to the Caribbean, and then bought a small hotel on the beach. 

Then again, I might have fallen overboard and drowned someplace just south of St. Louis. Guess it all worked out for the best but there are days I still wonder.

 Just say’n.    

Do you ever have days when you wonder why you haven't signed up to be a follower for our blog. We wonder why you haven't. Just hit the "Follow this blog" button or hit Facebook or Twitter. Fourty years from now you wont have to wonder what would have happened if you had signed up. That will make your life better. Just say'n.        

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Happy Anniversary

This is a special day for me and my wife Janetta. It is our anniversary. Over the last 400 years I have been alive (not really, but sometimes I feel like I've been around that long) I have done a lot of smart things and even more stupid things. The absolute smartest move I ever made was marrying my wife. Not just saying that to win points, it is simply a statement of truth. 
Somebody sent me a joke about people over 50 and their anniversary:
 A couple over 50 was celebrating their wedding anniversary. The man looks at his wife and asks, "What would you like to do for our anniversary?" She then replies, "We could run upstairs and make love." He replies, "Make up your mind, we cant't do both."

The good new is, Janetta and I are already upstairs. Happy Anniversary my love. Just Say'n
If you really want to give us an anniversary gift, please sign up to be a follower of our blog. Just hit the "follow this blog" button or hit Facebook or Twitter. Or you could send us money. Just say'n.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Jimmy Buffett

For Fathers Day my wife gave me Jimmy Buffett tickets. Some of you may not know who Jimmy Buffett is, and for those few I extend my prayers. For those who share in my insanity, you know what a great time a live Jimmy Buffett Concert can be. So we all are talking the same language here is his bio:
James William "Jimmy" Buffett (born December 25, 1946) is best known as a singersongwritermovie producer and cook. He is best known for his music, which often portrays an "island escapism" lifestyle. Together with his Coral Reefer Band, Buffett's musical hits include "Margaritaville" (No. 234 on RIAA's list of "Songs of the Century"), and "Come Monday". He has a devoted base of fans known as "Parrotheads".
He also wrote a book called "A Pirate Looks at 50" which is a handbook of how to live the absurd life over 50. So yes, I am a parrothead, a Margaritaville  lover, and a Pirate over 50. And on top of that....I'm going to the concert with my wife in August. Life is good. Just Say'n.

If you cant make the concert, at least join our blog and I'll tell you all about it. Just hit "follow this blog" or Facebook or Twitter aps. Then join me as we become the "People our parents used to warn us about". Just Say'n

Monday, June 27, 2011

Bhinneka Tunggal Ika

The above is the national theme of Indonesia and it means "Unity in Diversity" literally translated, "many, yet one". The reason I mention this is because of this blog. We track who reads this blog and what country's are the strongest audience. United States is our largest audience but to my surprise, Indonesia is the next largest.
 I ask a friend what he knew about Indonesia and he said it was near Illinois. I told him that was Indiana and then looked up more information on Indonesia (not Indiana). Indonesia is the fourth largest populated country in the world. Who knew? It is literally a series of islands with a wonderful tropical climate.
The more I read the more I think Indonesia is now on my bucket list. So to all our friends in Indonesia, Bhinneka Tunggal Ika - may we always be many, yet one. Just say'n

Here is a way to Bhinneka Tunggal Ika - Join our blog. Just become a follower or hit Facebook and Twitter aps. Over 5000 people in Indonesia did, and they are always right. Just Say'n

Sunday, June 26, 2011


Wife talked me into playing scrabble the other night. It is a fun game, but I've become very dependent on  "spell check" in my computer, so have forgotten how to spell some key words. I found with scrabble, if you put the tiles down confidently and quickly add the points, most people wont question you about the word. However, most people does not include my wife. Maybe she just knows me too well. Anyhow, for the 100th time in a row, I lost.
One of the things scrabble does teach you is to see how to rearrange letter for maximum points. 
Look at these:  THE EYES:When you rearrange the letters it can become THEY SEE
Look at this one,When you rearrange the letters:GEORGE BUSH can become - HE BUGS GORE.

 Dont understand how I can be so cleaver and still loose the game to her every time. She must cheat. Just Say'n

Here is a good scrabble mix - PLEASE JOIN OUR BLOG becomes YOU ARE A WONDERFUL PERSON. No, it really doesn't, but we still appreciate you. Just Say'n

Saturday, June 25, 2011


The following showed up in a local paper:
 An ice cream man in New York was caught selling drugs from his truck. 
 His attorney:  "Any alleged tyke who can read could have clearly seen the "Caution: Children" sign on the back of my client's truck.  Alleged...  I rest my case."

Now it really seems ridiculous that an ice cream man would sell drugs from his truck, until you consider that they sit in a truck that plays the same song over and over and over and over. I figure if they work 8 hours they will listen to the same song repeated about 1000 times. When we are out on the boat, I hear that horrible song playing from the shore and after about half an hour I have to move. Imagine hearing it 1000 time a day. I'm surprised he has any drugs left to sell. Maybe that's why he got such a hair-brained lawyer. Just Say'n.

Here is a happy tune, "Row Row Row your boat, gently down the stream, become a follower of our blog and your life will be a dream". Try that 1000 times. Better yet, just sign up. Just say'n

Friday, June 24, 2011


Threw out an old pair of boat shoes today. Broke my heart. They'd lived a good life and showed the signs of maturity and comfort that only a lot of good experiences can teach. Problem was, they had holes in the inside that didnt feel good. 
That's a good lesson for a long life. Keep the inside in good shape and no matter what the outside looks like, they may last forever. Wish I had remembered that earlier. Just say'n
Just in !  9 out of 10 doctors agree that joining our blog family will give longer life. Write to us for the list of doctors who said this and we will send it to you in the next few years. In the meantime, join in by hitting "follow this blog" or the Facebook and Twitter buttons.

Thursday, June 23, 2011


I was in Florida, which is NASCAR country as it is home to both the Miami and Daytona Beach raceways. I went to a race in Daytona Beach once and for a birthday gift my wife bought me passes to drive a car on the Miami track. There is something about going 200 miles an hour around the high bank that just gets my blood flowing. 
I love to watch NASCAR on TV. People question how I could sit and watch cars go around in circles all day.
I could tell them about the beauty of the cars; the mechanics of the engines; the thrill of competition. Those are all good things.

But in all honesty, as long as nobody is hurt, I like the wrecks.

Just say’n

Want to experience the thrill of 200 mph on the high bank. Join our blog! Won't be the same, but it is a good start. Just say'n.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Attic

Went up in the attic the other day and when I turned on the light, I realized that a lot of the things up there had been around a long time.

Some of the things were fond memories, some of the stuff just needed to be thrown away.

More I thought about that, the more I realized it was just like my own life.

I have some things in my life that I need to change or throw away. Think I will turn on the light in my own life and get rid of the junk I don’t need to worry about anymore.

Just say’n

Enjoy our posts? Join in as a follower or hit the "Share" button for Twitter or Facebook. Easier to throw stuff out if we know we have company. Just Say'n

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

X-Ray Glasses

Went through airport security today and I understand they saw me naked under my clothes.
Didn’t bother me and I'm sure it didn’t do much for them, but it reminded me of  the x-ray glasses we had when I was a kid. They said you could look through clothes.

No matter how I tried, it  never worked. 

Those things used to be a place of childhood fantasy, now our nations security rest on the same concept. Hope it works better this time.

 Just say’n.

Here is a concept that does work; join our blog family. The first 100 who sign up today get unlimited supply of love and appreciation from us. That is a valuable gift. In fact, if you hit Twitter or Facebook, we will also give  you the same gift. This is a good day! Just say'n.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

my best friend

One of the joys of my life is knowing I am living with my best friend. I've learned that my best friend and I can do anything or nothing and have the best time.
 Oprah Winfrey once said that "Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down." 
My wife is my best friend and we have had to ride a lot of busses together over the years, but we have also had a lot of interesting trips on those busses. 
Over the years we have learned how to grow separately, but we are always conscious of never growing apart.There are millions of people in the world, but the greatest thing about life is you really only have to treat a few of them like they are special. My best friend is very special. Just say'n.

Saturday, June 18, 2011


My wife and I are in Florida for a few days. She has to make a presentation at a conference and it is my duty as her husband to make sure she is happy. She has to make presentations a few times during the year in horrible places like Hawaii, Puerto Rico, San Francisco, Miami, etc. It is hard work for me to have to take care of her, but somehow I have learned to sacrifice.

This time we are in South Florida in June. It is so hot that I discovered Asphalt has the ability to become liquid. I went outside this morning at 7:30 and started sweating. Nevertheless, I would rather be hot all year long than have to be cold. Don't know how or why people live in places like Wisconsin, but I am happy it is them and not me.

You cant be in Florida without running into humor about growing old. Heard this one and wanted to share it with you:

A man was telling his neighbor in Miami, 'I just bought a new hearing aid.
It cost me four thousand dollars, but it's state of the art. It's perfect.'
'Really,' answered the neighbor. 'What kind is it?'
'Twelve thirty.
 May have to think on that one for a minute, but you will get it. Have to go now, part of being a good husband is sitting on the beach while my wife does her presentation in the air conditioned conference center. Oh how I do suffer.  Just Say'n
Here's a thought. Come join me. Or if your busy you can just become a follower of the blog or hit your Facebook or Twitter button. If you have questions, I will be on the beach. Just Say'n.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Smoke that cigarette

In New York, they just passed a law that forbids smoking in any pubic place either inside or outside. I guess the only place a person can smoke without a fine is at home. 
I don't have a problem with the law as I am a non-smoker, but I have been a smoker and do realize it is a dumb habbit. I smoked as a teenager and then quit for 28 years. In order to display my total level of insanity, I went back to cigarettes and stayed on them for another 10 years. I finally decided that a cigarette was simply a pinch of tabacco rolled in paper with fire at one end and a fool at the other. 
I did the math and found that it was costing me $80 a week, $320 a month, and $4160 a year to increase my risk of death at an early age. I opted out of the roll of "fool" at the other end.
Looking at all the emphasis put on "non-fat" products, maybe people would all quit if we simply said "Cigarettes contain fat". Naw, some idiot would probably come up with a fat free cigarette. Guess the only answer is to just decide not to be the fool on the end of the cigarette. Just Say'n.

Here is a healthy idea that may increase you life span. Join our blog by being a follower or hit the Facebook or Twitter apps. How will this increase your life span? I have no idea, it is just a good idea. Just say'n.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Dear Diary -

I used to keep a written record of my thoughts and activities. I recorded my struggles like some architect of society laying down thoughts and plans for future generations. It was fun and often cathartic, but after a while I got tired of it and stopped. 
I was cleaning out some things a few years ago and ran across my notes. My-oh-my, how my thinking has changed. I used to see huge problems in the moment, that later turned out to simply be small glitches. In all honesty, most of the things I faced back then, which seemed so overwhelming, were simply life lessons being taught to my stubborn ego. Guess I learned something, I'm still here and enjoying life every day. I threw out the notes, don't think they will ever restructure society, but they did give me a good insight on the naïvety of youth.
 Thinking about all this diary stuff reminded me of this joke. You might have heard it but heck, at our age repeating is not a sin:



Tonight, I thought my husband was acting weird.

We had made plans to meet at a bar to have a drink. I was shopping with my friends all
 day long, so I thought he was upset at the fact that I was a bit late,
 but he made no comment on it.

Conversation wasn't flowing, so I suggested that we go somewhere quiet so we could talk.
 He agreed, but he didn't say much. I asked him what was wrong; he said, 'Nothing.' 
I asked him if it was my fault that he was upset.

He said he wasn't upset, that it had nothing to do with me, and not to worry about it. 
On the way home, I told him that I loved him. He smiled slightly, and kept driving. 
I can't explain his behavior. I don't know why he didn't say, 'I love you, too.' 
When we got home, I felt as if I had lost him completely, as if he wanted nothing to 
do with me anymore. He just sat there quietly, and watched TV. 
He continued to seem distant and absent.

Finally, with silence all around us, I decided to go to bed. About 15 minutes later,
 he came to bed. To my surprise, he responded to my caress,
 and we made love. But I still felt that he was distracted, and his thoughts were 
somewhere else. He fell asleep - I cried. I don't know what to do.

I'm almost sure that his thoughts are with someone else. My life is a disaster.


Harley wouldn't start today, but at least I had sex.

Wouldn't want to be married to this guy, but it does show
 how the male and female can be in two different places
 at the same time. Just Say'n

Instead of a diary, why not join our blog family and then
 you can add comments  every day. Or Facebook and 
Tweet your friends about our blog, then we can all write
in our diary's together. Hmmmm, that sounds boring. 
Just sign up and will figure it out later. Just Say'n

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

movie time

Wife and I went to the movie theater the other day. It is always an experience, and one that rapidly reminds me why I don't go more often. It was a matinee and so I only had to pay $10 per ticket. I was assured that that was a good deal. Then the popcorn and a soda. I don't know why I do this to myself, but I do it every time. I know popcorn will be $7.00 and a medium soda another $7.50. I ate all the popcorn, cause I was sure there had to be gold someplace in that bag.

Then the previews started. A half hour later, we were still seeing previews!! I forgot what movie I came to see. The amazing thing about all these previews, there wasn't one movie that looked like anything either one of us wanted to ever see again. The world was attacked by aliens; saved by Chevy Corvettes that turned into huge robots; attacked by black smoke to be saved by green heros; overrun by huge flying saucers; and finally reported on by Muppets. Have to admit the Muppet one did look cute, but it was the last preview after a half hour of other previews, and I think I might have booed Miss Piggy.

I am sure the movie industry is having a hard time given the competition from cable companies, but please, don't take your problems out on me. Just Say'n.

You can enjoy our daily blog by signing up as a follower or hitting the Facebook or Twitter button. Bring your own popcorn and soda, and it won't cost you anything to have fun. Just Say'n

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


They got it right when they named the governing activities politics. Poly being the Greek word for “many” ticks being “blood sucking creatures”. Sunday mornings are a time to watch some of the "poly ticks" of our times. 
This last Sunday was a cross section of thoughts including someone trying to convince a panel of journalist that our economy was recovering nicely. Nobody really needed to comment, they could have just sat there with their mouths open in utter disbelief. 
Then they informed us that our friends at NATO now refuse to send troops into combat and we are paying the bill for NATO because our allies don't have any money. I checked and I saw we are about $13 billion in the hole, so how do we think we have money.
 Finally there is the stuff about Congressman Anthony Weiner and his sex pictures. I mean really, with a name like that and a position like he has in this country, is he really that insane.
I think next Sunday I will skip TV an just check my dog to be sure he doesn't have "many" of those "blood sucking creatures" on him. Just say'n.

Pssst, here is some Washington insider news. People who join this blog are great people. Yep, heard it on the news. Become a follower of the blog or hit Facebook or Twitter apps and check it out. You will feel the difference immediately. Just Say'n

Monday, June 13, 2011


We have several friends who finally are going to have a graduate. In most cases, it took at more than four years to complete a four year education. Not sure why that is going on, but I guess it is just part of modern educational system. One friend spent over $120,000 for there daughter's education, and now she has a degree in art history. The job opportunities are not plentiful in that market, so I understand she is going to get her masters for another $80,000. I guess it is only money, and we want our children to have a head start, but really!!!!

My wife and I spent a lot of years getting various degrees, so we do understand the value of education. I do appreciate those who receive high honors and really apply themselves to the educational process. However, one of the great education quotes is the following: 

To those of you who received honors, awards and distinctions, I say well done. And to the C students, I say you too may one day be president of the United States.
-George W. Bush

I've read that George W. had a lot of fun in college, didn't get strait A's, and still was able to do well with his life. So to all the graduates who have spent a fortune, taken over five years for a bachelors degree, and had a lot of fun doing the whole thing, congratulations. May you all be successful in your life and above all, have fun. Just Say'n.

There is a place on our blog that says "Become a Follower". It would really be a great graduation present to us if you join our blog.  Oh wait, we're not graduating. Hmm. Heck, do it anyhow. Just Say'n

Sunday, June 12, 2011

A woman's hiding place

An interview with a psychologist on the TV claimed that a woman's choice of handbag and what she chose to carry in it could reveal her character. I suppose there may be some truth to that, but I'm not sure it would be wise to publish that thought or share it with women you want to be close to. If a woman has a large purse, does that make her a hoarder? Small purse = cheap or non-giving person? A back pack = someone ready to spend the night? See, this could be real dangerous territory to wander around in blindly.

One thing I do know;  the inside of a woman's purse is a place of great mystery and often fear. I went into my wifes purse when the kids were in diapers. I was looking for car-keys and found something very squishy wraped in paper. I had great fear thinking I had stumbled on a full diaper. As I slowly removed my hand, I breathed a sigh of relief to find it was only an old banana. Still don't know why it was there, but real happy that was all it was.

If my wife tells me something is in her purse, I generally will open it, look at the contents with awe, and then carry the purse to her. We have been missing a set of car keys for several months, and I am positive they are in her purse, but will keep that thought to myself.

The common emotion that a woman's purse has with all men is the awkward moment when a woman says to her man, "hold this for a minute". Usually it is held with one hand, away from the body, in a very bold attempt to prove to the world, "this is not my purse". It can be a very frightening experience.  Just say'n.

Join our blog family by becoming a follower or hitting the Facebook or Twitter box. If you click on the picture of the purse, it will explode in a thousand different pieces. Not really, but wonder how many tried. Just Say'n

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Top down

One of the toys my wife and I  love is our red Mitsubishi Spider Convertible. We try to out maneuver each other as to who gets to drive, but she generally wins. That's ok as she looks a lot better driving it than I do. I found that out the hard way.

Last summer I was out driving with the top down and feeling like I was on top of the world. It was a play'n music, wind blow'n, sun shinen, feelen good day! 
Pulled up to a stop light next to a school bus. A young man about 10 or so looked out and gave me a thumbs up. I smiled and waved back. He then stuck his head out the window and said, "Wow gramps, that is some car you got." 
"GRAMPS!!!" The light changed and as I pulled away I still loved the car and it was still a beautiful day, but some of the thrill had been taken away. Nevertheless, I recovered and still love life and the car, but I let my wife drive more. She just looks better in it than I do. Just say'n.

WE NEED FOLLOWERS!!! Not really, but it would be nice. Thought if we sounded desperate you might sign up. That is called manipulation through guilt. Did it work? Probably not. Oh well, there is always Facebook and Twitter.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Bridgette Bardot, my love

Oh Bridgette, Bridgette. How I loved you and still do. I discovered that you are now 76, living in France, and active in your life. Do you remember when I snuck into the movie theater to see you in "God Created Women"? No I guess you don't but I do remember you.
I am sure my seeing that movie at such a tender age was not all that positive for my psychological growth, but I would do it all again. Now we both are older, wiser, and like fine wine; better. 
Oliver Wendell Holmes once said "To be seventy years young is sometimes far more cheerful and hopeful than to be forty years old. Ah my Bridgette, we will never be old, we will be forever young. Just Say'n

Join our blog by signing up as a follower, or let your friends on Facebook or Twitter know you like us by clicking on the app. Who knows, Bridgette might even join us one day. AHHHH!!!! Just Say'n.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

My affair

I made a major change in my life recently. After years of being faithful, I stepped outside of my relationship and entered into a major love affair. I bought an Apple computer. It was a move I contemplated for sometime, having watched the Apple with some envy, often bordering on lust; yet being committed to Microsoft,  I resisted the desire.
Nevertheless, everywhere I turned, there was Apple in her beautiful white shiny coat, with the twinkle of the Apple logo luring me into her charm. Finally, without asking permission from Microsoft, I took the plunge and began an affair with Apple.
 It was difficult at first. Apple spoke a different language than I did, but her softness and desire to please me made the moments together wonderful. When I turned to her, she was always ready to perform, and only asked that I treat her gently. I am in love with her, and inspite of Microsofts pleadings, I think this affair will go on for a long time. I feel so safe and secure with Apple, and she doensn't even carry viruses.
It is amazing how dependent we have become on our computers and how sophisticated they are now. At a recent computer expo (COMDEX), Bill Gates reportedly compared the computer industry with the auto industry and stated, "If GM had kept up with technology like the computer industry has, we would all be driving twenty-five dollar cars that got 1000 mi/gal." 
Never one to leave a thought unchallanged, General Motors addressed this comment by releasing the statement, "Yes, but would you want your car to crash twice a day?"
My Apple would never crash, she loves me too much. Just Say'n

No matter which computer you use, join us as a follower. We need your support to feel loved and appreciated. At this age, that is really important. Just say'n (p.s. Facebook and Twitter clicks also help)

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Bye Bye Doc

Went to vist my friendly physician the other day. I have been with him for sometime and my wife often encourages me to change doctors. Not that there is anything wrong with my doctor, it's just how he operates his practice. In the ten years I've known him, he seems to be more disorganized now than ever, which is not encouraging to those who are sick.
So I'm sitting in the small cramped office waiting for him to arrive. This is after sitting in the larger uncramped waiting room where I am sure I contracted several new diseases. Finally, in he walks and loudly proclaims, "Where is your chart?" I checked my pockets and replied, "Don't know Doc, I just don't generally carry it around with me." I guess he realized he had spoken out loud that which he was thinking and then hollered out the door, "Where is James Twerell's chart". I vaguely heard some reply about "can't find it". 
We stumbled through the remainder of the appointment in which I reminded him of the prescriptions he needed to give me, clarified for him that I did not have high blood pressure, and reminded him to take blood samples as this was a physical. Fortunately I got out before he told me I was pregnant. 
As I left, I turned, looked at his office and sighed. 
Unlike General McArthur, I shall not return. Just Say'n

Join our blog family. We want to get over 100, but only you can do it. If you don't want to join in, that is ok. I can recommend a good doctor to you. LOL Just say'n

Monday, June 6, 2011

Travel well

We have a survey on this blog about what you want to do on your "Bucket list". The term is from the movie of the same name and referes to what a person wants to see or do before they kick the bucket. In our survey, a long boat cruise or a long train ride seem to be the top choices.

Over the years we have done several boat cruises and really enjoy the luxury of doing nothing. The downfall is the amount of food available, and the lack of discipline we disply when confronted with this challenge. My wife and I did get to the gym twice in the last cruise, but seeing that we traveled seven days, that was not a great accomplishment.
The great thing about travel is the ability to experience the variety of life in different locations. Lisa St. Aubin de Terán, a well traveled and prolific author once said,  "Travelling is like flirting with life. It's like saying, 'I would stay and love you, but I have to go; this is my station."
 Fortunately, I dont think we have ever been to a place that we were anxious to leave, so her thoughts do ring true. To stand in the midst of things like the Grand Canyon, Hawaii beaches, Colorado Mountains, Paris beauty, Roman history, and so many other things, is like having a Whitman Sampler Candy box with all the places of the world in it. You have to have more than one.

Remember the Old Traveler’s Saying: “You may lose your money and your health and your sanity and some important organs, but they can't take away your travel memories unless they hit you hard on the head.”
Travel well. Just Say'n

If your traveling or just staying home, take us with you. Become part of our blog family by clicking the Follow this Blog button. Also let friends at Facebook and Twitter know about us. Then we can be a traveling caravan! Just Say'n.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

People vs people

One thing I have picked up on over the years is the fact that I don't always like everybody I meet. I have also learned that this is okay because not everybody likes me when they meet me, even though that fact is a little harder to understand.

Anyhow, I was with a person the other day that just bothers me. Don't really know why, as I don't find fault in most people, but this person is the exception. I remember someone saying that they had great appreciation for their feet, but they just don't spend much intimate time with them. Maybe that is the way I feel about this person.

 The noted psychologist Carl Jung once said "The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed".
Maybe this person is in my life to show me that I need to be more loving and open, but I'm not sure. 
If that is the case, I wonder how I have transformed him. Whew, this is gett'n heavy. Think I'll go fishing. Just Say'n.

While I'm gone, add a comment, become a follower, tell your friends on Facebook or Twitter, order you free copy of my book "I Am Adam" or just come fish'n with me. Plenty of options. Just Say'n

A review of J T Twerell's Catch and Release by Featheredquill Book Reviews

Featheredquill Book Reviews

P.O. Box 304 Goshen, MA 01032 Fax: 413-268-0381

Readers’ hearts will be beating hard as they join in this adventure where people come back from the dead, wear so many facades you’re not quite sure who’s on the good or bad side of the law, while experiencing the growing attraction between the lady ‘cop’ who could be lying through her teeth and the normally bored psychologist who stepped into the adventure of a lifetime.

The author, a practicing psychotherapist, certainly knows how to light a fire at the beginning of a tale and guide the reader through all types of personalities and red herrings that will make them very disappointed when the story has to come to an end.

Quill Says: This is one psychologist who has met his match when it comes to a truly astonishing female!

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