Friday, June 17, 2011

Smoke that cigarette

In New York, they just passed a law that forbids smoking in any pubic place either inside or outside. I guess the only place a person can smoke without a fine is at home. 
I don't have a problem with the law as I am a non-smoker, but I have been a smoker and do realize it is a dumb habbit. I smoked as a teenager and then quit for 28 years. In order to display my total level of insanity, I went back to cigarettes and stayed on them for another 10 years. I finally decided that a cigarette was simply a pinch of tabacco rolled in paper with fire at one end and a fool at the other. 
I did the math and found that it was costing me $80 a week, $320 a month, and $4160 a year to increase my risk of death at an early age. I opted out of the roll of "fool" at the other end.
Looking at all the emphasis put on "non-fat" products, maybe people would all quit if we simply said "Cigarettes contain fat". Naw, some idiot would probably come up with a fat free cigarette. Guess the only answer is to just decide not to be the fool on the end of the cigarette. Just Say'n.

Here is a healthy idea that may increase you life span. Join our blog by being a follower or hit the Facebook or Twitter apps. How will this increase your life span? I have no idea, it is just a good idea. Just say'n.

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A review of J T Twerell's Catch and Release by Featheredquill Book Reviews

Featheredquill Book Reviews

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Readers’ hearts will be beating hard as they join in this adventure where people come back from the dead, wear so many facades you’re not quite sure who’s on the good or bad side of the law, while experiencing the growing attraction between the lady ‘cop’ who could be lying through her teeth and the normally bored psychologist who stepped into the adventure of a lifetime.

The author, a practicing psychotherapist, certainly knows how to light a fire at the beginning of a tale and guide the reader through all types of personalities and red herrings that will make them very disappointed when the story has to come to an end.

Quill Says: This is one psychologist who has met his match when it comes to a truly astonishing female!

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