Over the years I’ve learned to try to balance my thinking by going to the opposite thought. Looking around me I realized that life has a harmony about it. If there is a right, there has to be a left. If there is up, there is going to be down. Front, back; In, out. You get the picture.
So if I am feeling down about something, I need to balance it with an up thought. For example, I messed up something the other day and proclaimed to myself, “I’m an idiot.” At the moment, the statement had some merit, but it was only half the story. My balance statement was “I’m very cleaver.” Both statements are true, so why just dwell in the negative? There are probably a lot of things we have done wrong in our life, so isn’t it refreshing to know we have done so many good things too. Just Say’n
Here is homework. Just remember all the times you didn’t join our blog or hit the “Like” button for Facebook or Twitter. Now join our blog and hit the button and you will be all better. Just Say'n
What sucks for someone like me who has a mood disorder is when you don't have any real reason on a logical level to be unhappy but your stupid brain is making you feel like somebody just died. However, getting rid of my "frenemies" (the people who were always telling me the reason I couldn't pursue my interests and who had their own agenda) has helped me. I can be a little more logical about my depressive states now, even when my brain is hell bent on making me feel like being hit like an asteroid would be a pretty good deal.