Friday, August 5, 2011

Presidential concern

Dear Mr. President,
First, let me wish you a belated happy 50th birthday. 
You have now entered the phase of your life when you don’t have to prove anything to anybody, you can just be yourself. However, that may be difficult in your job.
The concern I have for you is Mid Life Crisis. In men, generally as they enter their 50’s, an evaluation of life takes place that often forces them into either depression or erratic behavior. In an effort to recapture their lost childhood, those impacted with the Mid Life Crisis syndrome will exhibit tendencies of adolescent behavior which often play out in sexual activity.
In our country’s history, you are the seventh president to enter into 50 while in office. Five of these were before even my time on earth, but the last one prior to you was President William Clinton. I think you will remember how well he handled Mid Life Crisis. Thus my concern for you.

Please do not accept any advise from Bill about how to handle Mid Life Crisis, and I think you will make it through this with no problem. Just Say’n.

PS - To help you through your 50’s, why not join our blog family. Hundreds have and they all vote. Just say’n

1 comment:

  1. Life is good because of my family and my faith. He who has no family has nothing. Life is what you make it.Life should be lived as a glass half full not half empty. Deal with life as it comes
    Remember man makes money, money will not make man.Treat others as you want to be treated.


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A review of J T Twerell's Catch and Release by Featheredquill Book Reviews

Featheredquill Book Reviews

P.O. Box 304 Goshen, MA 01032 Fax: 413-268-0381

Readers’ hearts will be beating hard as they join in this adventure where people come back from the dead, wear so many facades you’re not quite sure who’s on the good or bad side of the law, while experiencing the growing attraction between the lady ‘cop’ who could be lying through her teeth and the normally bored psychologist who stepped into the adventure of a lifetime.

The author, a practicing psychotherapist, certainly knows how to light a fire at the beginning of a tale and guide the reader through all types of personalities and red herrings that will make them very disappointed when the story has to come to an end.

Quill Says: This is one psychologist who has met his match when it comes to a truly astonishing female!

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