Sunday, February 14, 2016

The New Drug!


The Federal Drug Agency claims the language on the Cheerios box suggests the cereal is designed to prevent or treat heart disease. Regulators say only FDA-approved drugs are allowed to make such claims. The FDA warns that if General Mills doesn’t “correct the violations,” it risks having its cheery-looking boxes seized by federal agents right off store shelves.

Poor old Cheerios, there they are just making little round circles of oats and grains, just like they have been doing for years, and suddenly they are gong to be raided by federal agents.

Child welfare will soon get involved and arrest parents who are giving this drug to children.

Chapters of “Cheerios Anonymous” will soon spring up as Cheerios Drug Users try to break the habit by turning to a higher power of Tony the Tiger.

And you can count on lawsuits springing up from people who claim that Cheerios ruined their life by making them addicts.

Ten percent unemployment, an economy in the pits, politicians we can’t trust and the Federal Drug Administration decides to attack Cheerios. Give me a break. Just Say'n

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A review of J T Twerell's Catch and Release by Featheredquill Book Reviews

Featheredquill Book Reviews

P.O. Box 304 Goshen, MA 01032 Fax: 413-268-0381

Readers’ hearts will be beating hard as they join in this adventure where people come back from the dead, wear so many facades you’re not quite sure who’s on the good or bad side of the law, while experiencing the growing attraction between the lady ‘cop’ who could be lying through her teeth and the normally bored psychologist who stepped into the adventure of a lifetime.

The author, a practicing psychotherapist, certainly knows how to light a fire at the beginning of a tale and guide the reader through all types of personalities and red herrings that will make them very disappointed when the story has to come to an end.

Quill Says: This is one psychologist who has met his match when it comes to a truly astonishing female!

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