Tuesday, May 31, 2011

In Prison

Watched the movie "Shawshank Redemption" the other day. One part of the movie is about a man who had been in prison for 40 years. When he was finally released, the world had so changed he couldn't cope with it.  His adjustment to society was so difficult that he committed suicide. 

As sad as that story was, it made me think about all the people who are so locked up in their own problems that they can't imagine life without them. They live each day without any hope or joy. 
They are so stuck in the negative that if they truly tried to see life from a more positive perspective, they might not be able to cope. That is really sad.

I guess before you can break out of prison, you have to know you're locked up. Life is good, if a person doesn't believe that's true it may be a good idea to reexamine what they're thinking.

Just Say'n

Become a follower of our post or "share it" with Facebook or Twitter. Not only will you enjoy the freedom of doing that, we will feel loved. At this age, being loved is really important. LOL, Just Say'n.

Monday, May 30, 2011


Happy Memorial Day and a special thanks to all who have served and continue to serve in the military. Our thanks and prayers are with you always. Here is a little humor I found for today:

An Army grunt stands in the rain with a 15 kg. pack on his back,
5 kg. weapon in hand, after having marched 15 km, and says, "This sucks."

An Army Airborne Ranger stands waist deep in the rain with a 25 kg. pack on his back,
weapon in hand, after having jumped from an airplane and marched 30 km,
and says with a smile, "This sucks just fine!"

A Special Forces soldier lies in the mud, 40 kg pack on his back,
weapon in hand, after swimming 10 km to shore, crawling through a swamp and
marching 40 km at night past the enemy positions,
says with a grin, while biting the head of a snake "This really sucks, I wish it could suck more....."

An Air Force Pilot flying over the battlefield, the rain is pouring down,
looks down at the soldiers below and says: "Sure sucks down there!"

An Air Force officer sits in an easy chair in his air conditioned,
carpeted room and says to his friend, "Man.. Cable's out! This sucks!" 

To all you Air Force officers, I look forward to your email. Just Say'n.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Close Call

Watching the New York Mets play some baseball the other day, and was amazed at the one call an umpire made. The runner was on first base so long he could have set up housekeeping, but the umpire called him out. After much ranting and raving the umpire also called the first base coach out. It wasn't a pleasant moment but the umpire had all the power and, right or wrong, he was going to win.
Watching the umpire rememded me of a quote from Jay Leno, "I wanted to have a career in sports when I was young, but I had to give up the idea. I'm only six feet tall, so I couldn't play basketball. I'm only 190 pounds, so I couldn't play football, and I have 20/20 vision, so I couldn't be an umpire."

A lot of life is like that umpire's call. Somebody makes a bad call and if they have the power, we have the problem. I guess the question is, do we want to rant and rave and let our feelings be known, with the possibility of even more dire circumstances? Or do we just let it go. I'm glad when I was younger I let my feeling be known, but today most things aren't all that important.
I guess the umpire slept ok that night, and by the end of the game, nobody really cared, so it all worked out.
Well, the Mets didn't win, but I guess we are used to that too. Just Say'n

Here is a good call - Join our blog family as a follower. Just hit the "follow this blog" button or click the Twitter or Facebook app. Another good call is to get the free audiobook of my novel I Am Adam. (Click Here). I am making all kinds of good calls today! Just Say'n.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

two years old

Went to a restaurant a fews nights ago to have a nice peaceful dinner. Unfortunately, we ended sitting too close to a couple and their cute little two year old boy. I knew when we sat down that this was probably going to be a mistake. 
Jerry Seinfeld says that a two year old is like a full blender, running at top speed, without a top.
This little child, whose name was "Bobby don't do that" was in complete control of his table and those near him. Come to think of it, I think his father called him "Dammit" most of the time, but that might have been his last name.
"Bobby don't do that" was able to put more food on the floor in 5 minutes that all the waiters could place on the tables in a half hour. He was able to scream over the top of every conversation going on in the restaurant. For all his good behavior, he was rewarded with a bowl of ice cream, which, as you probably guessed, he dumped on the floor. "Bobby don't do that, Dammit" reminded me of the old saying, raising a kid is part joy and part guerrilla warfare. To all the young people who are starting a family, God bless you and good luck.. Just Say'n

If you ever are seated next to "Bobby don't do that Dammit", you may want something to read. Why not be a follower of our blog.Just hit the "follow this blog" button or click the Twitter or Facebook app. Or you may want to bring your free audiobook of my novel I Am Adam. (Click Here).  Use headphones, "Bobby don't do that Dammit" is very loud.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Fishing tips

I have no idea who these people are, but it is a great fish. Just say'n

It is fishing season and I ran into these thoughts and had to share them:

Catch and Release:
A conservation motion that happens most often right before the local Fish and Game officer pulls over a boat that has caught over it's limit.

  •  A curved piece of metal used to catch fish.
  •  A clever advertisement to entice a fisherman to spend his life savings on a new rod and reel.
  •  The punch administered by said fisherman's wife after he spends their life savings(see also, Right Hook, Left Hook)
Line: Something you give your co-workers when they ask on Monday how your fishing went the past weekend.
Lure: An object that is semi-enticing to fish, but will drive an angler into such a frenzy that he will charge his credit card to the limit before exiting the tackle shop.
Reel: A weighted object that causes a rod to sink quickly when dropped overboard.
Rod: An attractively painted length of fiberglass that keeps an angler from ever getting too close to a fish.
School: A grouping in which fish are taught to avoid your $29.99 lures and hold out for spam instead.

It is a great sport. Just Say'n
Best catch yet? Joining our blog family by hitting "Follow this blog" button. Then tell your friends by simply hitting the Facebook or Twitter buttons below. That is easier than fishing. Just say'n

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The Ballet

We enjoy going to the ballet in Manhattan, it is a beautiful and creative form of art. The athletic ability of the dancers is really overwhelming. I'm happy when I make it up and down the stairs a few times. Don't think leaping in the air and turning around is going to enter my routine soon. 
There was a father with his young daughter at the ballet and she was enthralled during the first two dances. By the third she was really bored and in all honesty, the third dance was really painful. The little girl started to cry and wanted to go home. My wife and I later agreed that at that moment, we really agreed with the daughter.

Someone once told me about the little girl who attended the ballet for the first time and when it was over, her mother asked if she had any questions. The little girl said, "instead of all those people standing on their toes like that, why dont they just hire taller dancers?"
Kids have some of the best questions. Just Say'n.

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Sunday, May 22, 2011


Saw a movie the other day and they shot it in Paris. I think Paris is one of my favorite cities in the world, not that I have seen them all, but have seen many. There is such beauty in Paris, and contrary to what I hear others say, I think the people in Paris are really very nice. If you make some attempt to speak French, they will help out in some way. My wife speaks French much better than I do ( she says I grunt like Maurice Chevalier)  and she really got us around the city in good shape.

A few things got messed up, like food orders. We went to this delightful little piano bar resturant for desert after a wonderful meal elseware. We only wanted a glass of Grand Marnier and a chocolate crepe. She ordered in French and I grunted, but the waiter smiled and we thought we were in good shape. Next thing we know we have two flameing crepes that had been covered in Grande Marnier. Not wanting to make a sceen we ate them, and they were delightful. Now we have had a large meal, two crepes, and as I look up, I see the waiter heading our way with two more chocolate crepes.

Needless to say, we ate those too. I mean we have to be polite don't we?
Just say'n.

Join in our blog family and share your thoughts. Become a followers, hit the Facebook or Twitter app, or any of the other things we have on this page, most of which I don't even understand. But that's ok, I didn't understand French either and survived. Just Say'n.

Hey - got a gift for you. My novel, I Am Adam just came out in Audiobook. Want to give it to you FREE. Click here to enjoy your gift.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Critical voices

Last Sunday I listened to some of these talk shows that come on in the morning. I generally skip them, but it was raining and not a good day to go out on the boat. 
In all honesty, I have never heard such a bunch of confused people trying to talk over each other. It was like a convention of church denominations. Nobody agreed with anybody but all believed they were right. 
The Republican's criticize the Democrats, who criticize the "Tea Party" people, who criticize the left, who criticize the right, who ...... well you get the picture. 
It all reminded me of what someone once told me:  Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes.  That way, when you criticize them, you're a mile way and you have their shoes.  
I decided to go out on the boat. Even in the rain, that made more sense than the people on TV.
Just Say'n

Be a follower of our blog. Our blog family is non critical, easy going, loving people. Hit the "Follow this blog" button or the Facebook or Twitter button. If you don't we will probably criticize you. LOL Just Say'n

Hey - got a gift for you. My novel, I Am Adam just came out in Audiobook. Want to give it to you FREE. Click here to enjoy your gift.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Mirror Mirror on the Wall

I was having one of those days when it seemed everything irritated me. The person in front of me was driving too slow. The stop light was too long. The line at the store was too slow. The radio in the car next to me was too loud. Basically, I just didn't like anything.

Then I talked to my dog about my bad mood. He is kind of a therapist; listens well, doesn't say anything, and lets me work out my thoughts.

What we decided was I wasn't happy with myself so I was taking it out on the world around me. Most of the things I was frustrated about were a reflection of me. I wasn't doing tasks fast enough so I decided to be frustrated at other slow people. I wasn't as focused as I wanted to be, so I became upset at other peoples incompetence. 

Next time I'm irritated, I will look inside myself before I attack the outside. See, my dog really is a good therapist. 
Just Say'n

My dog also wants you to join our blog as a follower. You can hit the "follow this blog" button or the Facebook or Twitter buttons. He just said thank you. Just Say'n

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


I was reading something the other day and it declared that the product was a foolproof way of doing this particular task. I looked at that word for a while and wondered how they decided that the product was actually foolproof. I mean, does the company employ a couple people who qualify as fools, and then see if they can make the thing work.
 I looked up the word just to see what it actually meant and found this: done, made, or planned so well that nothing can go wrong. That brought a moment of fear to me as now the pressure would be on to make sure I didn't screw up this foolproof product, because if I did, I guess I now qualified as a fool. 
The more I thought about this the more the word bothered me, so I looked up to see if there was a better word and this is what I found:Disambiguation
So if I was to buy a product that stated clearly, "this product quarantees disambiguation", I would know it was foolproof. The problem with that is what fool would ever know what disambiguation meant?

I decided I had too much time on my hands. Just Say'n

We would love to have you join our blog family. Hit the "Follow this blog" button or the Facebook or Twitter button. It is a foolproof way to have fun every day. Just say'n.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Old age

Old age is a state of mind. Bernard Baruch, an American business executive once said, "Old age is always 15 years older than where I am right now".
 I mean there is nothing wrong about growing older, everybody does it and there doesn't appear to be any other positive alternatives to it, but it's also something we need to approach with a good perspective.
I was out  fly-fishing one day and ran into another angler in the river who was 90. He was fit, sharp, and good with a fly-rod. He said his only complaint was he couldn't see the fly as well as he used to so he was using bigger ones. I decided that day I would live to be able to fly-fish on a stream at 90.

Samuel Ullman, an american poet, once said, "Nobody grows old merely by living a number of years. We grow old by deserting our ideals. Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul."

Maybe Satchel Paige said it better, "How old would you be if you didn't know how old you was?"

Just Say'n

Would really love it if you joined our blog family. Hit the "Follow this blog" button or the Facebook or Twitter button. As for me, I'll be out on the river. Just Say'n

Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Meeting

Had a meeting the other day at the marina.

 It was one of those frequent meetings we hold during the summer to be sure that we have everything in the world under control.

We're certain, that during those few hours we are holding the meeting, the world is definitely a better place.
We solve all the problems we can think of and settle many difficult situations. 
Nevertheless, the world seems to fall apart again after we adjourn.

I think we need more meetings. All in favor say "Yes".

Just say'n.        

If  you enjoy our blogs, join in as a follower in the box on the left. Let your friends know about us with the Facebook and Twitter app just below. Then pack up and come join us for a meeting so we can solve even more problems. Just Say'n

Hey - got a gift for you. My novel, I Am Adam just came out in Audiobook. Want to give it to you FREE. Click here to enjoy your gift. 

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Can you spare a dime

I was on the railroad the other night, heading home from Manhattan. Sitting in the station waiting for the passengers to load in, this man gets on the train and proclaims, "Excuse me, I am not a beggar, I simply lost my wallet and need $5 to buy a ticket home. Can anyone help out."
copyright cartoostock.com

Now that is a legitimate concern. However, I saw this same man do the same thing about six months ago. That night, the person next to me said they would be happy to give the conductor $5 for the ticket if the man wanted it. He suddenly decided that this was the wrong train and got off.

I guess this plan works for this guy, he seemed cleaned up and able to live life. But I mean, if after six months you are still using the same scam, I think maybe it would be a good idea to reevaluate  life and think about other alternatives. 
Then again; maybe he likes what he's doing and it gives him a lot of free time. It's his life not mine, so I guess I will stop trying to fix it. Just say'n.

Hey, we need more friends to join us! Well, we don't really need them, but we would sure like them. Click on "Follow this blog" or hit the Facebook or Twitter app. If you do then we will be able to take the train home. LOL. 
 Want a good deal? Just released "I Am Adam" in audio format and want you to have a free copy. Click here to get yours. Can't beat free! Just Say'n

Friday, May 13, 2011

series of events

We set up our summer yard decorations this weekend. We have a small fountain that looks nice in the garden. When I went to plug it in, I found that the plug was broken.
Went to the garage to get my tools, and discovered they were missing.
Went to the closet to look there and discovered the door handle was broken.
Found the tools in the closet and tried to fix the door handle. I needed a new part.
Went to the hardward store and got the part. Wrong size, so it took two trips.
Fixed the handle and then went to the plug. Fixed the plug and then found the pump didn't work.

Said the hell with it and went out on my boat.

There are just day's when being on the water is the only answer.

Just say'n.

If you like our post, join in. Use the "Follow this" app to the left or hit the Twitter or Facebook button below. Just to complicate things, if you want a free audio book of I Am Adam click here. That's it, no more complications. Go have fun. Just Say'n

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Then Came Bronson

Got some real harsh comments back on my blog about a motorcycle rider (See me roar). Wasn't my intention to offend anyone, it was just an amusing happening at a stop light. Some of my friends are bikers and they are wonderful people. 
I think if I lived out in the country I would probably have a bike, but I'm not brave enough to try that in traffic.
 Heck, I'm old enough to remember being glued to the TV for every ephisode of  "Then Came Bronson". He was a free spirit on a motorcycle going anyplace he wanted.
If you remember the program, then you remember the freedom of being a biker. Hmmm, what great thoughts those programs gave us.

Anyhow, the notes got me thinking about how we love to feel a part of something and are quickly offended when we think that thing is being attacked. 
Feeling good about something is really important and makes life worthwhile. But why do we have to become so angry when someone else doesn't agree with us.  I've seen a lot of destruction take place because somebody didn't agree with somebody else. 
Life is too short to be offended by other peoples opinions. At least that's the way I feel, but that is just my opinion.

Just say'n

If you like our blog, become a follower. Feel free to leave comments so others can read them. Let your friends know with Facebook and Twitter apps below. Above all, enjoy life and tell somebody you like them today. It will make both of you feel better. Just Say'n.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Is anybody home up there?

Took a trip with the family to go to one of the kids college graduation. My wife bought a couple new outfits and put them in hanging bag to keep them clean. As we are all busily packing the car, she asks the youngest to take her hanging bag downstairs. 

We get to our destination and when we unpack, you guessed it, no hanging bag. 

When questioned about this, the youngest replies that we told him to take it downstairs. We didn't tell him to put it in the car.

I really worry about what is going on in his mind. The only place I can regain my sanity is when I remember that someday he will have children. Revenge is sweet.

Just Say'n

If you like our blog, become a follower or tell your friends to take a look by hitting the Facebook or Twitter button below. When the little things in life frustrate us, it is good to know we have friends. Just say'n.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Went to the Dentist today. I thought about running away and not coming back, but I went anyway. I hate going to the Dentist and today was no different than all the other times.

It just isnt natural to have that much stuff pushed in your mouth and then told not to bite down. And this sucking machine that sounds like a vacuum cleaner in my mouth; I am sure it is going to remove my tongue one piece at a time.

Then after an hour of screaming drills, probing fingers, pounding picks, and periodic pain they finally release me.
 It takes a few minutes to un-cramp my fingers from the arm rest, during which the Dentist tells me that at my age I need to come in more often for cleaning. 
I smile and tell him he is right, but in my heart I know that at my age, all I need is more time away from this torture chamber.

Gotta admit tho, my teeth do look better.
Just Say'n

If you enjoy our blog, become a follower in the box on the left. Tell your friends on Facebook and Twitter by hitting the app below. Be sure to brush after every meal and floss every day. If you need a Dentist, you can have my next appointment. Don't think I will go. Just say'n.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Love you

I heard someone tell another person "Love You" and I thought about that phrase for a while. I love my dog, but that feeling is a lot different than how I love my wife. 
One thing I really love is blueberry pie, but I also love my kids and grandkids, and I wouldn't want to put them in the same category as blueberry pie.
 Making love is a whole lot different than being in love.
Bible says perfect love cast out fear, but there are probably a lot of definitions concerning perfect love.
The Eskimos have fifty-two names for snow because snow is really important to them. I think we ought to have as many words for love.

Just Say'n

If you love our blog, we would love to have you join as a follower. And we would love if you hit the Facebook or Twitter button below. We love doing this and love your being with us, and I am really tired of saying love. lol

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mothers Day

Being a mother is a highly discriminating process against the male population. Men are never allowed to bare children. For this, the male population breaths a collective sigh of relief.  However, the real problem with a woman becoming a mother is that once the obstetrical delivery is over, then she begins a life of delivering her children all over the area by car.

Mentally, she will become a split personality, for she will now need to think two thoughts, one for herself an one for her child and because of this she will develop eyes in the back of her head that see everything. 

Then, when all is said and done, and we sit down to celebrate with her, if there are only four pieces of cake for five people, she will declare that she really doesn't like cake. 

Let the discrimination continue, men don't want the job.

Happy Mothers Day to all the wonderful Mothers.

Just Say'n

If you like our blog give yourself a mothers day present and become a follower. Even if your not a mother, give yourself a gift. Just say'n.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

More Truth

Talked yesterday about truth and how difficult it is to find honest people. I looked in the mirror and in all honesty, I still didn't find a person who is always honest. Don't look at me like that, go look in the mirror and see if I am not right!
Anyhow, in my seeking out truth I found this quote:

"Let us begin by committing ourselves to the truth - to see it as it is, and tell it like it is -- to find the truth, to speak the truth, and to live the truth."

Isn't that a wonderful thought; unfortunately, this man said it:

Ah Tricky Dicky; alas, truth is stranger than fiction.

Just Say'n

Enjoy our daily blog? Be honest. If you do, become a follower in the app to the left or hit Facebook or Twitter below. If you don't like it, keep it to yourself, we hate truth. Lol, Just Say'n.

Friday, May 6, 2011


I think one of the great lines in movies is in "A Few Good Men" when Jack Nicholson says "Truth! You can't handle the truth!". Seems that the longer I am around the more I realize that truth is a very rare commodity.

Groucho Marx (there is another name that shows my age!) once said that there is only one way to find out if a man is honest - ask him. If he answers "Yes", you know he's crooked.

I listen to the politicians and major corporation executives on the news, and I think most of them would answer "yes" to the question.
The truth is, most of us should answer "no". At least that would be an honest answer.

Just Say'n.

If you enjoy our blog, become a follower using the app on the left or hit the Facebook or Twitter buttons below. Did you do it? Be honest! lol.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Spring Fever

This winter was very long, at least where I live. I think it lasted two years, but that may be an exaggeration. The good thing about a long winter is how much more you appreciate spring. In our area the trees are out, flowers in bloom, birds singing, and above all, my boat is in the water. Oh how I love spring.

When you think about it, there are always going to be winters in our life, and it may not always be weather. Sometimes there are just difficult days when things don't go right, or times when no matter what we do, it just turns out wrong. I guess these times are there to make us really appreciate the good times when they arrive. Have to remember that the next time I am upset or disappointed.

But for now I think I will go out on the boat and enjoy spring.
 Just Say'n

If you enjoy our blog, sign up as a follower using the NETWORKED app on the left or hit the button below for Facebook or Twitter. Then we will all be able to be together when winter comes. Hmmm, don't think I like the winter thought. How about just enjoying the moment together. Just Say'n 

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

See Me Roar

Was at a stop light today (which is the same as a go light but a different color) and the motorcycle pulled up next to me. He thought he was the greatest thing since the discovery of gold. I mean, he was leather from head to toe, had a motorcycle that had to weigh 3000 lbs., and he could make noise with it like a trumpet blast from hell.

Beneath his black helmet, he wore a long ponytail that rested upon the logo on the back of his leather jacket. The logo said something about Hell's somebody, but I could catch all of it. 
All-in-all, this leather-bound masked marauder was very impressed with himself.

The light changed and he throttled up, popped the clutch.......and stalled his motor. As I drove away leaving him behind trying to start his big bike,  I chuckled and said a prayer of thanksgiving to God above for bringing me such a wonderful moment. Life is good all the time.
Just Say'n.

If you like our blog, sign up as a follower using the NETWORKED app to the left or the Facebook or Twitter app below. If you do, then we will feel almost as cool as the motorcycle man. Just Say'n.

Monday, May 2, 2011

The royal wedding

Watched some of the Royal Wedding this last week and was amazed at the amount of passion the event evoked in people. One TV person described Kate's dress and literally began to cry. I am always happy when people find a place that touches their life, but I do sometimes wonder what goes on in others minds.

I also watched some of the news about Quaddafi and the goings on in Libya. There was a lot of passion being expressed by the people there, but in all honesty, it made about as much sense as crying over Kate's dress.

Then I watched several of our national leaders discuss the economy and how they would fix it. None of them agreed with each other, so I guess there is no solution to be found soon, as our leaders appear to be clueless.

Finally, being given a choice of several news programs to watch, I went back to the Royal Wedding. Given all the other reports I had just observed, I decided I might just watch Kate's Wedding dress and cry for a while. Won't solve any problems, but might make me feel better.

Just Say'n

Here is a royal invitation to sign up as a follower for our blog. Just hit the NETWORK box on the left. Or you can hit the Twitter or Facebook share buttons below. Either way, it will make us feel like royalty and I promise I won't wear a dress. Just Say'n

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Good Friends

I like spending time with good friends. 
The fun thing about good friends is you really don’t put any expectations on them and they don’t put any expectations on you. 
We all just like being together and having a good time.

 To bad the people running the world can’t learn to be good friends. 

Just say’n

Enjoy our blog? Join in as a follower, post a comment, or show you "like it" in the "Share it" app on the left. If you don't, it is ok, we don't want to put high expectations on our friends, we just want to have fun. Just Say'n.

A review of J T Twerell's Catch and Release by Featheredquill Book Reviews

Featheredquill Book Reviews

P.O. Box 304 Goshen, MA 01032 Fax: 413-268-0381 www.featheredquill.com info@featheredquill.com

Readers’ hearts will be beating hard as they join in this adventure where people come back from the dead, wear so many facades you’re not quite sure who’s on the good or bad side of the law, while experiencing the growing attraction between the lady ‘cop’ who could be lying through her teeth and the normally bored psychologist who stepped into the adventure of a lifetime.

The author, a practicing psychotherapist, certainly knows how to light a fire at the beginning of a tale and guide the reader through all types of personalities and red herrings that will make them very disappointed when the story has to come to an end.

Quill Says: This is one psychologist who has met his match when it comes to a truly astonishing female!

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